
“ROMANA SUM” (the ancient Romans didn’t have lowercase letters) translates as “I am Roman,” where the single speaker is female. An alternative translation* – one I prefer aesthetically – is “I am a woman of Rome.”

I am doing my best, within the world of the SCA, to research and recreate the material culture and life of the Late Republican period. My persona is Tullia Saturnina, a matron of Rome in 50BC. Tullia’s husband is Caius (my RL husband Robert). I live in Dragon’s Mist but I also participate with the Barony of Three Mountains, Stromgard, and at the Kingdom level. I’ve been honored with the Jambe de Lion and the Goute de Sang. I’ve been the Arts & Sciences Champion of the Barony of Dragon’s Mist and of Three Mountains, and A&S Minister of 3M.


I love doing demos and explaining Roman life to the general public. The wide variety of faces people make when I give them a sample of posca is payment enough!

My goal is historical accuracy. If you ever catch me in a mistake (TANTUMMODO OVUM SUM) or think I’d be interested in hearing about something, PLEASE drop me a note! I’ll be posting my papers, etc to the Papers page so you can see what I’m up to. The Resources page has links to lots of info, shopping, etc. I’m not sure yet how else I will use this page. I like the idea of having time go forward at some point… Maybe post some letters from Tullia to her family members about her life, her reactions to public events as Julius Caesar’s story reaches its climax…? Who knows. Feel free to join in the conversation if there’s something you’d like to see.

UPDATE 9/2022: I’ve been focusing more on jewelry making – both Roman and modern – come check out my stuff on Etsy!

long banner

*Unless you are nitpicky about Latin grammar, because it’s not in the genitive form. But “FEMINA ROMANAE SUM” doesn’t make for a snappy blog title, so bear with me.

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Jedi costume

Sorry to all my regular Roman readers – I needed a place to host these pics for approval for my costume so I can galavant about the galaxy with the Rebel Legion!

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All Roads Lead to Rome!

I’ve been wanting to attend a Roman event for years, so I decided to throw one. “All Roads Lead to Rome” seems like a good event name, but since the first one will be a day event, I may call it “Built in a Day.” Hopefully it will grow! Any and all suggestions welcome! So far, I’m wanting a bath, taberna (tavern), temple, classes, gaming, A&S display, Roman-style herald, music / acting performances, etc. all focused on historical accuracy as much as possible.

Location and date TBA: If a good Roman holiday coincides with a site availability we may theme it that way.

Facebook group here!

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Yule Bears

The inimitable Kendryth started a campaign, recruiting people to dress teddy bears to give to kids at Yule. Although I haven’t been attending indoor events, I wanted to participate, and claimed two.

They are, of course, Roman bears: Ursus and Ursa. Yes, I’m that much of a dork.

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Sommelier Cups (tasting cups)

My Laurel Lucia apparently always wanted a sommelier cup that could double as peer regalia – thus started an entire line! When hanging on a necklace, it’s a great way to always have a cup handy, while doubling as SCA bling. These are 2.5-3 inches wide.

I could have raised the cups from flat silver, but it would have taken a lot of time and effort. To keep costs down (and be gentler on the planet) I upcycled vintage sterling silver ladles. Each is decorated with the symbols of the individual.

For food safety, I keep the bowls clean, but I can patina the handles to make the designs pop.

Ansteorra represented!

My most recent commission: Bound to bring its owner lots of good luck!

If you want a cup of your own, contact me! I have a gorgeous spoon with grapes on the handle that would be perfect as the handle for a wine lover.

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Research on the Fly

“Research” doesn’t always have to be a deep dive, involving interlibrary loans and late nights. It’s like working out… sometimes you break out the kettlebells or the cardio playlist, and sometimes you just take a stroll around the block. In both cases, anything is better than nothing!

A few days ago, someone posted a pic in the Romans of the SCA Facebook group. It was a statue wearing platform shoes and a very wide belt.

“What time period is that?” I asked. She didn’t know – it came out of a book. The only info for it was “Musicians in the Louvre.”

Challenge accepted! I put on my deerstalker hat and went to work.

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Carving intaglios

Carving intaglios has been on my “to learn” list for years. Two separate people asked about commissioning pieces within a week, so the time is now!

Ancient artisans used a bow-driven drill. I’m using a flexshaft (a fancy dremel, basically).

You have to keep the stone wet, both to prevent breathing stone dust and to keep the drill bit from overheating and shedding its diamond dust. It’s extremely slow going, and difficult to see what you’re doing (between the water, the opaque slurry the drilling creates, and the tool in the way). You almost have to work by feel. I made the additional poor choice of using a tiny stones for my first practice pieces.

These are a little rough, but for first tries on a nearly microscopic scale I’m pretty pleased.

The perennial Roman favorite…
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1st Century Ring

I made this for my beloved friend Skamp. He’s well known far and wide in the kingdom for his ceaseless efforts for social justice, his leadership during Covid quarantine, and his hysterical bardic skills. I wanted to make a sturdy piece appropriate for his burly self, and he wanted lapis. His persona is Decimus Felix, a Roman soldier stationed in Britain in the 1st century CE.


  1. British Museum number 1850,0601.9
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Coming back after Covid

I was too stressed to take advantage of all that time off, sadly… but now that life is sort of returning to normal, and I’m working again, I’m also finding myself making again! This set of pearl and carnelian melon bead necklace and earrings are SUPER Roman 🙂 except for being brass rather than gold.

The security earwires (yes, they are period) are a little tricky to get on at first but you quickly get the hang of it. I make all of my personal earrings this way now because once they’re on you can’t feel the difference and you’re guaranteed to never lose one. Documentation is here.

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Roman-style chain for a Knight

Goal: Make a chain for my friend, Sir Istvan, that has that bulky An Tir look but without neck-crippling weight.

His face immediately after being presented with the finished chain. I guess he liked it because he put it on with his old one! 🙂
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Drusa & Tullia’s Guide to War

WAR! What is it good for?! Seeing the stars and trees and fog, hanging out with friends, eating wonderful period food, seeing people I love and admire being honored with awards… HUH say it again, y’all…

An Tir / West War is a glorious experience, but one you should be prepared for. Rather than give you all the practical advice* you find in the usual event-prep articles, I’m going to pull back the curtain and give you the real skinny.

*But for reals, bring baby wipes. They are essential for everything from foot-cleaning before bed to biffies without TP. And a French shower in the afternoon is surprisingly refreshing.

  • Remember your tent poles. All of them. If you are one short, you will have to do this!
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